What Are Product Passports?

  • by Vivienne Austin

It’s been a couple of years since we’ve spoken about this topic and it’s definitely time to give you guys a bit of an update on where the fashion industry is when it comes to creating digital passports for their products to enhance transparency and circularity. Two years ago, we published a blog about digital tagging, the different types you could encounter and explained to you why these would be beneficial for the fashion business. Read more here. Today, we’re bringing you the latest news on the subject. Read on if you’re feeling curious ;)

What are digital product passports?

Digital Product Passports (DPP) serve as a tool to gather and distribute product data throughout its lifecycle, showcasing the sustainability, environmental impact, and recyclability of a product. The DPP captures product details from sourcing raw materials to manufacturing processes, sharing this information with various stakeholders and participants. This unlocks advantages, potential uses, and value across entire ecosystems. 

While the concept of tracking products from creation to disposal is not new, utilising blockchain technology to securely record product data through a Digital Product Passport is a rapidly growing solution in business practices. This approach prioritises end-user accessibility, providing consumer benefits and value on par with businesses, unlike other methods. Of course, this technology is still relatively new and in a development process, so we’re here to follow along as flaws and benefits get recognised and adjusted accordingly!

Digital passports & Circular business models

The core of the ongoing discussions on the DPPs revolves around the principles of the circular economy and sustainability. The circular economy strategy aims to revolutionise how we manufacture, consume, and utilise goods and resources, with the goal of minimising waste and prolonging the lifespan of resources and products. This initiative is part of a larger commitment to promote global sustainability, encouraging all parties involved to optimise the utilisation and recycling of valuable resources and materials. 

Within the circular economy framework, valuable resources are not wasted through innovative methods such as sharing, repairing, reusing, and recycling. You know we love to talk about these initiatives. The product passport initiative aims to promote environmental awareness and eco-friendly actions among all involved parties in a product's lifecycle – including manufacturers, distributors, and consumers – through enhanced data transparency and accessibility. Wondering how? Imagining that these DPPs are QR codes are somehow stuck onto a product and by scanning this code, you can access the history of that specific item, as well as recommendations for caring and disposing of it.


Several EU legislative measures and programmes have already identified specific industries as the initial adopters of DPPs, including batteries & vehicles, textiles, electronics & ICT, furniture, plastics, construction, and chemicals. While the exact timeline is still under development, the rollout of DPPs in the EU is set to commence in 2026 with the first industries being apparel, batteries and consumer electronics – with more to follow suit by 2030.

While the logistics of using product passports may appear complex initially, the process is quite simple. Consumers can easily access Detailed Product Profile (DPP) information by scanning the product's QR code with their smartphone. To facilitate a better understanding of their role in implementing product passports, various data specification standards have already been established. These standards clarify that digital links, accessed via a unique product identifier, should be integrated into the products themselves rather than on external packaging or tags. This information will cover details about raw materials, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and recycling options.

With the deadline of 2026 approaching, additional guidelines are anticipated to be introduced gradually over the next few months and years. These guidelines will provide insights to businesses on how they will be affected by Detailed Product Profiles (DPPs).

We hope you found this article very insightful and recommend you stay tuned for more as we’ll be talking about the fashion brands that are already using DPPs as part of their strategy next. What better way to adopt sustainability if not to start supporting brands and companies promoting transparency?! Stay tuned for more…




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